In this course you'll learn how information is represented, stored, and manipulated by computers, some computer history, and modern hands-on use of computers. This course is online but it doesn't use D2L; the workbook actually IS the course. The workbook is the only required book. It guides you to download, install, and use many software tools free from the web and it contains your assignments and all web links. CLICK HERE to see a simple picture of how the workbook accomplishes this feat! Questions? Check the FAQ ("Frequently Asked Questions") page.
CLICK HERE to view the official syllabus for this course. Explore this web site and you'll see that this class web site is actually an extended syllabus and it fleshes out the details on the course content, how the course is conducted, and the assigned work.
Course overview
This course uses the tools of contemporary computer technology including digital sound recording and editing, image editing, and video creation and editing on Mac or PC computers to explore the science behind today's information technology and these applications as well as the internet and basic web site creation. Students accomplish coursework on their own computers using software provided free in the course, which is taught in a modern online format. The course also covers issues of "safe" computing, basic ethics of the information age, careers in information technology, and the potential relevance of emerging information technologies to a variety of careers in other fields. This course fulfills a Liberal Studies Program "science, no lab" requirement, is geared toward non-computer science majors, and assumes no prior knowledge or experience in computer science.
Look at and explore the links at the upper right. There's one link for each of the five segments ("units") of the course. You learn and do in Units 1, 2, and 3, and you demonstrate what you have learned in Units 4 and 5.
In Units 1 through 3 you read the workbook and view videos, and you complete these graded items:
- Repeatable online exercise a learning tool to "perfect" your knowledge
- Unit Summary Form (USF) questions on unit highlights
- Hands-on projects located in the course workbook
In Unit 5 you concentrate on reflective work that helps you explore your likes and preferences as they relate to careers, and to think about the impact of information technology on various career fields. This reflective work takes the place of a final exam (there's no final exam!).
Explore the links at the upper right to see the specific assignments you'll be doing!